+91 7738670114

Office Carpet Cleaning

Up to 100 Sq. fit ₹ 949
₹ 1249
101 to 200 Sq. fit ₹ 1499
₹ 1899
201 to 300 Sq. fit ₹ 1799
₹ 2299
301 to 400 ₹ 2399
₹ 2999
401 to 700 Sq. fit ₹ 3999
₹ 4999
701 to 1000 Sq. fit ₹ 5699
₹ 7399
1001 to 1500 Sq. fit ₹ 8499
₹ 9499
1501 to 2000 ₹ 10999
₹ 14249
2001 to 3000 Sq. fit ₹ 12999
₹ 14999
3001 to 4000 Sq. fit ₹ 15999
₹ 17999

Total 0

Vacuuming Treatment: Our high-power suction equipment will suck and remove all the dust and dust mites embedded in the carpet. 

Foam treatment: We shampoo your carpet with chemical foam to remove and dislodge the finest particles of grime. Extraction: Our advanced extraction machine removes residual dirt and moisture so you get soft supple germ-free carpet. 

NOTE: Letting fan or air conditioner switched on post the service. Complete drying may take around 4-5 hours. 

Old and stubborn stains will be attended to the best of our ability. However, we can’t guarantee 100% stain removal as certain stains if treated further, can damage the carpet.

  • The water, Electric connection provide to the professionals at the time of service

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